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Found 10 matches for: 'Herman Melville' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Two Views
Herman Melville
Joe Scanlan  - (book artist)
Thorsten Baensch  - (book artist)
2: Thrice
Herman Melville
Richard Kostelanetz
Thorsten Baensch  - (concept by)

3: Observations on Listening
Macy Chadwick  - (book artist)
Jennifer McKnight  - (book artist)
Herman Melville  - (text by)
4: Bartleby
Herman Melville  - (text by)
Wolfgang Buchta  - (book artist)
5: Moby Dick
Herman Melville
6: Rock Rodondo
Herman Melville
7: Typee
Herman Melville
Robert Gibbings  - (introduction by)
Jacques Boullaire  - (pencil drawings by)
8: Moby Dick or The Whale
Herman Melville
Garrick Palmer  - (wood-engravings by)
9: Moby-Dick or, The Whale
Herman Melville
Barry Moser  - (illustrated by)
Andrew Hoyem  - (designed by)
James D. Hart  - (notes by)
10: Rock Rodondo
Herman Melville

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